Revolutionary Feeding Method – Tru-Breast™. Taking the parenting world by storm and you can see why!  If you don’t want to waste time sterilising bottles, are too tired to be getting up during the night to make feeds to order, and want the ultimate in convenience and hygiene – this could be for you…

No other feeding system offers the following patented features:

Lul-A-Bye Sound Unit – as baby feeds they hear comforting soothing sounds, familiar from the womb; guaranteed to relax both baby and mum.

KWIK-KLEEN™ Teat – Forget latex or rubber, this system features a unique NO STERILISEteat.  No matter how often it’s used or the time between uses, it NEVER needs sterilising.  What’s more you save money as it never needs replacing! (guaranteed)

KWIK-FIL™ Temperature Regulating Holding Tank – Making bottle warmers a thing of the past, this stores baby’s milk at just the right temperature – meaning no risk of nasty bacteria thriving.  Never too hot or too cold, ensuring optimum safety (no need to test each feed). Features automatic refill system so there’s no fuss, hassle or wait when baby is hungry.  What’s more there’s no need to refrigerate left-overs; milk stays warm in the unit – ready when baby is.

ANC™ Auto Nutrient calculator – No more scooping or measuring!  Research shows a large percentage of bottles are made incorrectly – this system ensures optimum nutrient delivery at EVERY feed, guaranteed.

ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY: Although you can buy fabric covers, these are not essential (and many mums find the system is quicker without until they get the hang of it)  All components have a lifetime guarantee. 

Normal Oral Development – we’ve all heard the scare stories about bottle mouth or cavities – you can rest easy with Tru-Breast.

Built In KWIK KLEEN™ Pacifier – Is baby always dropping their pacifier?  Tired of hunting around at night trying to find where it’s gone?  Tru-Breast features a unique built in pacifier which cannot fall to the ground and is always easily located.  Again no sterilising required and lifetime guarantee.  Patented design that causes baby to naturally reduce sucking time as they get older – removing any risk of overuse causing delayed speech.  Approved by dentists to support normal development

Already proving a hit worldwide, parents LOVE Tru-Breast.

My youngest Toby just didn’t get on with standard bottles.  He slept very long periods and when awake was constipated and unsettled.  Since we swapped to Tru-Breast I feel we’ve really started to bond – and you know what they say; happy mum = happy baby.

Mrs C Leavage

Some friends who didn’t choose the Tru-Breast system, claim bottles are fine – I say why settle for second best? demand help from your midwife if you have any trouble using the system.

Miss B Reasty

But That’s not all!

Unique storage system saves the problem of where to put everything in case of future children!  Full range of  sizes, shapes and colours available.  All sizes function with equal efficiency.  Units come in pairs and improve with use.  Traveling with baby is a dream with Tru-Breast – The easier no mess, no worry way to feed YOUR baby.

Tru-Breast comes free with every pregnancy! 

With TRU-BREAST around, why bother with other methods?

If you want to let others know about this fantastic system – share this!

Very loosely based upon an article that used to be widely available on the web.  This version ™Milk Matters LTD


heidi rae · November 22, 2010 at 10:23 pm

The breastapo strike again. Propaganda.

    Jeremi · November 23, 2010 at 3:31 am

    What an ignorant and sad comment. Clearly an example of how far we have traveled from normal and how far we have yet to go. When a humorous, encouraging bit about breastfeeding is described as “propaganda”, I really question the efficacy of the woman’s movement. Cheers to the evolution of your thinking about your own body and the nourishment of new human beings!

    Sara · July 15, 2011 at 2:06 am

    Breastapo??? Are you comparing breast-feeding advocacy to NAZI’S?? Not only have you just completely and insensitively undermined the tragedy of WWII, you think an article this light is fascism? Just wondering if any other “propaganda” offends such a thin-skinned individual. Gay marriage and civil rights must have you out of your MIND. If you don’t like it, why are you here?

Emma · November 23, 2010 at 4:01 am

I fully support breastfeeding and hope to be able to breastfeed when i have children but I know a woman who suffered terribly from mastitus and as a result couldn’t breastfeed. This page may be seen to be a little insensitive to those who, for whatever reason, cannot breastfeed as it may make them fell a inadequate as mothers.

    Shulie · November 23, 2010 at 6:20 am

    I wasn’t successful at nursing all of my children–some were better, some weren’t. I don’t regret having made the effort, though, and although I miss it (my youngest is now 10) I didn’t find this insensitive at all. In fact, I think it’s brilliant!

      Bridie · July 10, 2011 at 2:04 pm

      Good for you. I agree.

      I think the whole breastapo idea is a bit OTT. Why wouldn’t mums want to encourage other mums to do something that can be tricky to start but has so many benefits. Things like this aren’t created to belittle or hound people!

        Wenda · August 27, 2012 at 6:44 am

        For all of the reasons stetad above; which are valid. PLUS for the guilt those-of-us-who-don’t-have-the-time-to-read-all-of-those-reasons-but-know-they-are-there have. Meaning, yes breast is best…but really, a sane mommy is best. When you have a baby, you immediately know that you would fight a lion for that baby…but sometimes breastfeeding is just that challenging, so when you give up, or are thinking of giving up, the mommy guilt is there not only because of all of the technical reasons why breast is best, but because you gave up fighting the lion.I had a very deep, personal struggle with breastfeeding the first time around that led to depression and sadness. This time, with my daughter, I have made a choice to define my own success. Instead of focusing on failure, I am focusing on what I was able to do to succeed based on my definition of success.So anyway, it isn’t that formula is the devil, or motor oil or whatever, it is more the mommy guilt over not succeeding at something that is ‘best’ that makes people cringe when faced with supplementing and or replacing with formula.

    Dee · December 5, 2010 at 7:59 pm

    I don’t know why every time someone puts out something pro-breastfeeding it is taken as a personal attack against women who “can’t” breastfeed. It strips those of us who did push through the pain to benefit our children of the accomplishment and continues to try to shame women who choose to breastfeed.

    Breastfeeding did not come easily to me, it was a battle at first, I got mastitis several times, had bleeding nipples, and was just plain tired of it, but still pushed through and was able to successfully breastfeed my children. I had to face being shamed by my family who finds it disgusting that I breastfeed in public (well covered and never even close to being exposed mind you). I feel like every where I turn there is someone trying to knock me down and tell me that I can’t do it and that if I can then I am doing something wrong. But I know the truth is that I can and should do this for my children, there are so many benefits, not just in the milk’s nutrition and antibodies, but also in the emotional well being of the child. Studies have been done that show that babies have a emotional biological response just to the smell of their mother’s milk, one they don’t have to formula.

    I kind of view women who say they “can’t” breastfeed as quitters, but I can’t say that I blame them because it is extremely hard! I just once would like to see a pro-breastfeeding comment that wasn’t followed up by a “let’s have sensitivity to the mothers who can’t by suppressing the mothers who can” type of comment.

      Georgia · December 6, 2010 at 2:53 pm

      Great reply Dee! It really is a shame that the breast has become a purely sexual part of the woman when it’s only real use was to feed a baby. Good for you for pushing through!

      I, too, am tired of people complaining that it’s insensitive to women who couldn’t breastfeed. There *are* a few that truly, honestly couldn’t do it. My cousin could have died if she had chosen bf’ing over bottle feeding (she had to take meds that would have gotten into the breastmilk). However, a big majority that “tried” but couldn’t do it and are touchy about it? It’s because they know they could have tried a little bit harder. I’m very PC around bottle feeding moms but when they try to make me feel guilty about having nursed?? You better believe I’ll lay it all out for them!

      But, as you can see, I don’t have a strong opinion about this. LOL

        Rachel the Quitter · December 31, 2010 at 12:43 am

        And these last two comments are where the “breastapo” comments come from. Could you be any more judgmental and self-congratulatory?

        I’m not touchy “because I could have tried harder”. I’m touchy because I tried my heart out, spent over $1500 on lactation consultants, pump rentals, supplements, SNS, and prescriptions, and I still get judged by peabrains who are sure that if I’d “pushed through the pain” I could have breastfed. You have no idea. You have absolutely no idea. Before you judge people as “quitters” you could find out their stories — or, hey! you could humbly say “I’m glad that, with hard work, I was able to get the outcome I wanted. I know everyone’s not so lucky, even with hard work, and that’s too bad.”

        In summary: quit judging and try a bit of compassion.

          Claire · July 11, 2011 at 10:19 am

          Rachel, regardless of whether they are judging with these comments, why shouldn’t someone be proud when they go through hell to breastfeed their child and succeed? Why do people who manage it have to be humble about it?

          Andrea · July 11, 2011 at 7:26 pm

          Exactly, Claire. They shouldn’t. I feel we need to fight to get back to where breastfeeding is the norm, and not some “high standard” to live up to. Also, if more women breastfed in front of others, it would be far more normalised, and we wouldn’t have as many breastfeeding issues – many of which are just in our heads! (How else would the human race have survived for so long?!)

          Rachel, most people with breastfeeding issues don’t even try half as hard, if at all, as you did and are all too ready go go straight to formula at any given moment.

          As an aside, I wish that more people followed the WHO’s recommendations about infant feeding and supplemented their baby with breastmilk rather than formula when they aren’t able to breastfeed.

          For those of you who have lots of milk, share the wealth!

          Zarah · July 11, 2011 at 10:09 pm

          I think you did a great job trying and I applaud you. I had a lot of trouble and eventual success, but I know mamas who have not. Good for you and I’m sorry, I know how hard it is and it must have been. Your little one is lucky to have you!

    Sarah · July 11, 2011 at 9:35 pm

    There are very few medical reasons why a woman cant breastfeed. Mastitis is actually eased by continuing to feed through it. Its hard to learn how to with some kids, others just do it. I thibk we need to worry less about some woman finding things offensive, and think about what’s best…what about the 3% reduction in risk of brest cancer? Or the miriad of LIFELONG benefits for baby?

    Ruth · August 25, 2012 at 6:28 pm

    So advertisements for running shoes should be banned because some people can’t walk? And there definitely shouldn’t be public health campaigns encouraging people to walk as daily exercise, how insensitive!
    Don’t be daft.

Esther · November 23, 2010 at 10:19 am

This is funny, and it shows – I bet a lot of parents would buy a bottle, if it offered all these advantages! Honestly, once you have got the hang of it (the first few days were difficult, but we (mainly baby) figured it out with some help, and from the 4th month I’m already hating the thought of not having it later on. He is 16 month, and loves it! You shoud see the joy on his face… 🙂 We only do it before he goes to sleep (twice during the day, and at bedtime), and when he wakes up in the morning. Sometimes he has a lot less, and then, usually when he gets ill, this is the best comforter, best painkiller ever! He gets better pretty quickly, and (knock on wood) I have not missed work yet.
I do understand, that some people have not been brought up with how normal and natural this is – it is a cultural thing. But it is best for baby. Luckily it is recognised again, and though it must be awful to miss out if you can’t breastfeed for any reason, but just give it a try, and don’t give up easily. There is some help out there, and lot’s of books and videos online. If noy, don’t blame yourself – at least you have tried. You can try with the next one again – it depends a lot on baby too.
It’s beautiful, not dirty at all, in fact nothing to do with a sexy feeling – just pure bonding (and as I said even that didn’t come straight away for me).
And yes, it is a million times easier, and cheaper than bottles – and when you are a mum, time and energy is the last thing you have.. 🙂
So let’s not argue, just accept that people are different!
This “advert” is a great idea! 🙂

    Situmorang · August 27, 2012 at 9:06 am

    “the hell with it.” My mom and my MIL had always told me to sunplemept with formula and I refused. I hated to admit it, but it was partially a pride thing. I thought, I’m a woman, I gave birth to a child, I was going to be able to produce the food that nourished her. I EBF for 3 months and I was breaking down…and this is with an easy child who never gave me any other problems. There is so much thrown at us mothers and parents, that if we don’t meet these expectations, we are made to feel that we have failed our children, ourselves and our society. With my next child, I’m not going to be as critical on myself, I’m not going to judge others for their decisions. Formula is there for a reason and no woman should feel less of a woman for choosing or having to use it to nourish their child.

jenn · December 5, 2010 at 12:29 pm

@ Emma – This piece is humorous, designed to “sell” BF in the way bottles / formula are sold. If the whole of society believes that breast feeders should be OK with the way formula and bottles are marketed, why is one piece in the same vein but about BF wrong?
As to Mastitis – for the vast majority of those who suffer it, there is no need to stop BF. I know women who ended up being hospitalised with mastitis and carried on feeding. It’s just one of those things that misinformed medical peeps give appalling advice about, and also something mothers hide behind as an excuse. Really with support from people who know what they are talking about more or less all problems can be overcome – I’ve had more than my fair share, so this isn’t a bland reassurance it’s personal experience.
A lot of the issue comes down to ignorance – from medical peeps, society, mothers themselves – people who don’t actually have a clue giving bad advice. There is another side though – some mothers are simply looking for “permission” to stop, they seize on any paper thin reason and give up. This is the part that informing mothers of the true facts can help – if every baby book, Dr, health visitor etc says formula is “almost as good” then why not switch when it’s hard work? If, on the other hand, you have the real facts – all those diseases it reduces the risks of, all those development benefits, boosts for mum, cost savings etc – then perhaps it will seem worth making more of an effort for, something to find real support for, something to invest time, energy and emotion into, something to get right.
I was disgusted to find that, with my first child, there was no support for the issues I was facing – at least not in the people who I saw at the hospital. I had to hunt for information, and in doing so by 3 months I knew more about breast feeding than our GP, more than the health visitor. By 6 months when I was told that breast milk was (at that stage) just like drinking water, I knew enough to challenge them, but if BF had gone smoothly I wouldn’t have looked for information, I would have just thought “they know best”. Information has to get out there – and doing it humorously is a great way 🙂

    Karen · December 5, 2010 at 1:20 pm

    Well said 🙂

kay · December 5, 2010 at 2:11 pm

i really fail to see how this can be called propaganda. its not even gone in to the indepth benefits of breast feeding. its not at any point bad mouthed bottle feeding. its a light hearted look at breast feeding, using terms that would be used to sell a new bottle feeding system. its not intended to make anyone feel guilty if they didnt manage to breast feed. i personally think it is always worth a go, then if you dont succeed you cant say you didnt try. but thats just my opinion. i am breast feeding my 3rd child who will be 9 months tomorrow, i was not as successful with my other two children but thats just the way it goes some times.

Debbie · December 5, 2010 at 9:52 pm

I thought this was extremely clever and amusing! I don’t see that it in any way demeans those who tried breastfeeding and were unable to do so. Let’s remember that for most of history, until very recently, this is how ALL babies were fed. It’s the most natural thing in the world and it’s only our “modern” mania for the new, different, and more ‘convenient’ that has made people think breastfeeding is odd and those who advocate for it are propagandists.

    Dee · August 25, 2012 at 7:30 am

    1) Are you SURE you have to quit? Is it becasue of meaiidtcon? 2) The pain will probably take a few days. you can express a little to lessen the pain, but no more than a small amount or you’ll end up making it worse. Ibuprofen and ice will help, the cabbage only works for swelling, which is not your problem. The problem is overfull milk ducts, not tissue swelling, so the cabbage won’t help.

      Gercina · November 11, 2012 at 6:14 am

      I don’t personally think there is atnnhiyg wrong with it, but there are a lot of benefits to breastmilk. My mother breastfed and supplemented with formula.I think that there are always extenuating circumstances and some women/babies just can’t breastfeed. I hate the stigma of “Formula is bad” simply because those mom’s shouldn’t be made to feel like they have failed at something.

Hayley · December 6, 2010 at 4:23 pm

Brilliant 🙂

Aimee · January 14, 2011 at 6:30 pm

I love this!

jenn · July 9, 2011 at 1:36 pm

Oh for Christ sake. You breastfed, you bottlefed. Who cares? Do what’s comfortable for you. I choose what I was comfortable with and stuck with it, despite what anyone said. You’re not a failure if you didn’t and you’re not a martyr if you did. Aren’t there more important issues in the world to debate and become angry over then breastfeeding?

    annonymous · July 11, 2011 at 8:27 pm

    Perfectly said.

    Emmalina · July 12, 2011 at 3:31 am

    No I really don’t think there are ‘more important issues’ and, apparently, neither do you as you took the time to read this and then criticise. Breast feeding is one of the most fundamental building blocks to lifetime health and the lack of it is linked to the mortality of 1million children a year (WHO figures). NOTHING in this funny post indicated that being a breast feeding mum requires ‘martyr’ status, I certainly never give that impression about myself but the antagonistic reactions show exactly why it is so important to keep discussing this issue.

    All this post does is mimic the kind of advertising that is deemed perfectly acceptable for formula, but when a bfing mum does it, it is considered ‘offensive’ or ‘attacking’. Does that mean every aisle in every pharmacy is ‘attacking’ or ‘judging’ me? I always suspect these overly defensive reactions are because we all know that breast feeding is the right choice for all children and many have guilt about not being able to achieve it or not trying. I’ve walked both paths and certainly never attacked breast feeding just because I wasn’t able to do it.

    Funny post, surprising comments.

      Adriana · August 27, 2012 at 8:29 am

      I really wanetd to do it for essentially the reasons junebugmama listed above.LO was exclusively breastmilk-fed (nursed or pumped-milk-bottles) for about 6.5 months, and then we started supplementing quite a bit with formula since I can’t pump enough to keep up with his demand.I will say that, while breastfeeding at the beginning was crazy hard and frustrating, now that it’s established I find formula more frustrating. Mainly because it seems to cause more gas and stomach discomfort than breastmilk ever did, so now we worry about whether we should switch kinds, or whether something else is up… DS seemed to tolerate breastmilk perfectly and is just fussier on formula. Plus, while it’s certainly easier to make more formula than to make more breastmilk, milk was easier in a way because I was far less worried about timing (in the sense that with formula, we are vigilant about making sure it’s not in use for more than 2 hours, whereas we were pretty relaxed about breastmilk).

Helen · July 9, 2011 at 2:50 pm

I thought it was excellent! The whole ‘making bottle-feeding mums feel guilty’ really is beyond me. If a mum didn’t manage to BF then she shouldn’t feel guilty! Let down, misinformed, sabotaged, unsupported maybe but it still seems so oppressed that people feel guilty over something like this! And often it’s not just something you can ‘push through’. Horses for courses – some women have a higher tolerance, more determination, more resources than others. Some women just aren’t able to no matter what they do. Some women choose not to.

We shouldn’t judge others by our own experience: I was able to ‘push through’ the bad bits both times (and there were a lot of bad bits both physically and mentally) but I’d never assume because I could and did that anyone else (let alone everyone else) had the same experience as me but just ‘didn’t try hard enough’. How patronising! And boy doesn’t it make the rest of us BFers look judgemental!

I for one think it was a fab article that highlights some of the benefits in an amusing, tongue-in-cheek way. Noone would bat an eyelid if this was advertising a new kind of bottle; why does this suddenly become a ‘breastapo’ issue because it’s about breastfeeding? Why should people walk on eggshells for fear of making someone, somewhere feel guilty over something that they shouldn’t be feeling guilt over in the first place?

Breastmilk IS superior to formula; there is no denying that no matter how it makes anyone feel and you’d have to have been living under a rock not to have seen all the ways in which formula falls short of the biological norm of breastmilk. Whether it’s right for you or not is up to each mum and baby and their personal situation and nobody else’s business but putting other people down because they do breastfeed and want to promote it is just childish and overly defensive in my opinion.

Why is it a bad thing to raise awareness with articles like this? Surely it can only be a good thing!

    Andrea · July 11, 2011 at 7:31 pm

    Hear, hear! Well said.

    Heather · July 13, 2011 at 12:48 am

    Very well said!

    All women should try and try hard but if they can’t then so be it.

    I remember walking into a hospital room of a friend and seeing the bottle sitting there and I was sad to find out she did not try BFing but not angry.

    Another friend tried and tried but at 4 months had to start supplementing and at 6 months she had dried up. She still feels sad about it 5 months later but she know she did what was best for her baby.

    Another friend tried but BFing was causing her seizers to act up so she had to stop and go back on her meds.

    All women should do what is best for them and baby but I do wish more women would try from the start.

Jen · July 10, 2011 at 6:04 am

I would expect nothing less than a huge breast versus bottle uproar after a post like this. What gets under my skin is the women that “tried” to breastfeed and stopped after a short(er) period of time thinking anything, everything, and everyone is coming after them. I know there are women that medically can’t, there are women that medically shouldn’t, there are loads of reasons and excuses why women stop breastfeeding. Ok. We get it. What I really can’t stand is the women that refuse to even try. I have a cousin, she just had her second baby a few months ago. She’s “too busy” to breastfeed. I can almost guarantee she didn’t nurse while still in the hospital to give him colostrum. Moreover, she’s a teacher and by the time she goes back to school, she could have nursed for almost four months. She didn’t. Because she didn’t, her son has gone through so many unnecessary digestive problems it makes me sick to think about. She’s a teacher, she’s supposed to be smart about stuff, right? Her mom is in remission from breast cancer of all things. My cousin still didn’t even attempt to breastfeed. She’s selfish is what it comes down to. Those are the people that rub me the wrong way. Yes, I breastfeed my 11 month old, it took a few months to get everything under control, but we did. I absolutely could not stand to give my son formula, it was never an option. I would take donated breast milk before putting him on formula. So I am genuinely sorry that there are women who really want to nurse their babies and can’t, or even believe they can’t and so they can’t, but at least you tried!

    Jaimie · July 11, 2011 at 4:15 pm

    I”m with you jen – I don’t understand the people who don’t even try or “oh god no, i’m not doing that” kind of attitudes. I mean – at least PUMP for a week or two to give the colostrum if nothing else. I have a cousin who has had 3 children and pretty much ignored them once they were out. My first daughter was FF, after 3 weeks of pumping and healing from a very HARD labor/C-section – i just couldn’t do it anymore. now with DD#2, i’m at 13.5 mo EBF (plus solids of course) – every story is different, every reason is different and there should be no judgement of anyone who has tried, or wanted to but couldn’t for medical reasons. I don’t even JUDGE those that choose to never even try – I just can’t understand them. As for this article – I think it was fantastic. If bottle manufacturers are going to violate WHO code and market – then I think boobs should be marketed too.

    Apa · August 25, 2012 at 8:54 am

    I’m sorry I have no thoughts or adcive to share that will help you, but I’m going through the same debates in my head. I want my children close together, but how could I possibly rob my little guy of the time he is getting with me, by bringing another baby into the house. How could I possible love the other child as much? How would I have the time?Plus there’s all the breastfeeding issues too. I’m still feeding and haven’t had my periods back yet. So would I need to stop feeding in order to even get pregnant? And if I did fall pregnant while still feeding, how would I make it work?Decisions, decisions. But I think the resounding answer is always that you’ll cope, that you have more than enough love to go round, and that if it’s meant to be then you work it out. Not that that helps the little control freak hiding out in me who just wants an answer. xLucy at Dear Beautiful Boy recently posted..

Lisa · July 11, 2011 at 9:52 am

I just wanted to say, what a wonderful article and thank-you for writing it. 🙂

Karen · July 11, 2011 at 4:36 pm

I believe both have their place. I breastfed all 3 of my kids, however, the first one, who was born with special needs gave it up on her own at 7 months. She stopped and would never breast feed again. She had feeding issues and was underweight. She got the bottle and formula and was kept on formula until she was 2 years old and started eating solid foods. Without a bottle and formula, we would have lost her, or had to go to a pump directly into her stomach. My other 2 kids, with no birth problems had no issues with breast feeding and the last one I was able to feed until he gave it up at 3 1/2 years.

While this is a great article, I do have to admit, that sometimes when I get on FB and everyone is posting breast feeding articles that condemn bottle feeders, it bothers me also. I believe Moms have the right to choose what works for them and their babies without constantly being condemned for the inability to successfully breast feed.

dd · July 11, 2011 at 4:37 pm

I think that everyone should quit the fighting. I was one of those rare mothers who truly busted her as* to breastfeed and it didn’t pan out the way I thought it would. Before my baby was born, I made “nursing areas” around my house, I bought nursing shirts and all sorts of things to make nursing awesome. I thought I would nurse my baby until she was 3. Then a very sad and challenging reality hit. My baby had sensory integration issues. She was in OT by 8 weeks, my midwife was at my side for 4 full months working on it with us and I had low milk supply. I took every herb, drank ovaltine, ate oatmeal, drank a few beers and eventually took domperidone. And all that I could manage to squeak out of my medical grade pump was 2-3 4 oz bottles today on my best days. I pumped 5-6 times per day, 20-25 minutes each pump, for 6 months. Then I got so tired of giving the baby to my husband so that I could pump. I felt like a mechanical mother. I hated giving her formula and avoided it as long as I could. I had wonderful friends who donated breast milk. (I forgot to mention that my baby was sensitive to dairy and I had to stop using donated breast milk after 4 months). I’m still sad about giving her formula at the 6 month mark. And I know another mom who was so plagued by low milk supply that she could not feed her babies much at all. We both cried about it together. And then there are some mama’s out there who just make that leap to formula without much emotional turmoil. I could’ve used less emotional turmoil and attachment.

When I read infant nutrition books and see all of the advertisements that encourage women to breastfeed, I feel sad and sometimes guilty. I wanted to give her that so much. I didn’t give up because of a breast infection, or sore nipples. I would’ve climbed Mount Everest (and I did) to give her breastmilk. So, it is hard when I see women breastfeeding so easily. And it puzzles me when people think of it as “gross” or don’t even try.

One thing that I have learned through this experience though, is to be less judgmental of other mothers. If you see a mom who is bottlefeeding, don’t give her the stink eye. And for those of us who are disappointed with the breastfeeding outcome, don’t give those over-producing moms the stink eye either. Why not support each other? I received amazing support from mamas who shared their milk with me.

How about instead of judging, just SHARE, EMPATHIZE and BE THERE for EACH OTHER. 🙂

    MsJenOT · July 12, 2011 at 3:01 am

    dd – Hi – I am an OT and unfortunately we never get babies in that early for SI issues. I wish we would, we could make life a lot easier for people. Did you have a good pediatrician who recommended you go to OT? Just curious how it worked out that you were able to get her in at such a young age. And, I’m proud of you for working so hard to provide the best for your baby!

BecBoobMama · July 11, 2011 at 5:49 pm

What a shame there is so much in fighting. How awful that words such a ‘Breastapo’ are being used again. Changing the name slightly doesn’t make it big or clever, It just makes it very very sad that people have to use Nazi references to beat passionate breastfeeding advocates around the head. It’s bad enough that word comes from fellow mothers but it’s even worse when uttered by fellow breastfeeders and dare I say other breastfeeding advocates. How are we meant to change the perception of breastfeeding if we bicker amongst ourselves, bat about offensive terminology and are just down right rude to those who celebrate their own personal achievements? We won’t change anything at all with thse attitudes, we’ll just keep making the gap wider. I will happily celebrate that I pushed through the struggles I had, not in a bid to make others feel inadequate or like a failure, It’s to celebrate that I met my goals and overcame my troubles in the beginning. I have to say though, I see more breastfeeders being attacked than anyone.

Kimberly · July 11, 2011 at 6:44 pm

I always wonder why women who are sensitive about not breastfeeding, or not being able to breastfeed — whichever — read this? If you’re comfortable with your decision and choices and efforts, kudos to you. Don’t put your sensitivity on other people.

JenBris · July 11, 2011 at 9:15 pm

It really annoys me when people that have chosen to bottle feed, regardless of the reason, start insulting people that have chosen to breastfeed. We all care about our babies, we have a choice. Why is it acceptable to have fun articles about bottle feeding but not about breastfeeding?

The jerk that came up with breastapo should be ashamed of themselves, nowhere have I seen bottleapo. So insulting and disgusting.

christian b · July 11, 2011 at 9:49 pm

I LOVE how you made it out like you can buy it .. and it is gonna be soooo pricey .. but no need to buy .. bc we have them .. *giggle *

natalya · July 12, 2011 at 8:53 pm

Just thought i’d put my 6 eggs in lol. to all those mums that bf well done, its the most amazing selfless thing u can do for ur new baby. And why would u give them some fake subsitute when its on tap? i know it can be hard and a real struggle but i think every baby can bf! my baby girl was extremly ill and at 8 wks she had a massive tumour removed from her mouth, resulting in most of her maxilla, palete amd base of the nose being removed and the inside of her lip being used as a flap to close the cleft that had been surgically created. A nasogastric tube was placed post op. i expressed the whole time she need the tube until she had healed and was painfree. then managed to get her back feeding 100% on the breast! even through hours of her crying in pain from latching on. And hours of myself being stressed out because all i wanted to do was feed her when she couldnt create a seal. And also being told by doc’s, nurse’s and HV to give in and bottle feed to give myself a break!!! which made me more determined to feed! We had to create our own positions for feeding so she can create a seal but it works and she much healthier and fatter for that matter than all her peirs! Not only that the breast milk was a form of pain relief for her and a great comfort when everyone else just wanted to prod and poke her face. So people dont give in u can do it! try try again x

    Lisa · July 23, 2011 at 11:16 pm

    If someone’s marriage ends in divorice, is it wrong for new brides to talk about and show pictures of their wedding day? I would think a new divoricee would be sad about hearing about another person’s happy new marriage start, right? But we do not call new brides Weddingstapo when they talk about their weddings. Women who have a hard time with Breast Feeding are those women that need to get some therapy for unresolved guilt, sadness, anger, fill in the blank emotion they are not facing as a result of either their inability to Breast feed or uncomfortableness with their Bodies. Human Milk is the norm for Human Babies and women and babies who suceed should not have to hide away in a closet to keep from upsetting you.

      Olga · March 21, 2012 at 8:37 pm

      Thanks for this comment. On several occasions, especially at some new mothers forum I felt like I couldn’t share my happiness or I had to explain in detail WHY I’m so pro breastfeeding (what there is to explain?!) because people who chose not to or didn’t succeed felt offended. It’s your guilt, not my fault. And I really applaud these ff mums who know how to appreciate others who bf, because I never criticised anyone who chose to formula feed or not continue breastfeeding.. I just wanted to share my happiness coming from nursing. If you can’t be happy with me, it’s not my fault.

Auth · August 25, 2012 at 3:20 pm

Wow, this is a fun poll but I have no idea how to answer it! With my first baby I often nuesrd in a sling does that count as a cover? And with Little D, now 14 months, I always wear two shirts, one that I pull up and a tank top underneath that covers my belly and is slit in the front to allow nursing. When I nurse, I do try to place the top shirt close to Little D’s lips to be somewhat discreet, but I don’t cover the fact that I’m nursing in this way, and, you know, stuff happens, I shrug it off. Sometimes, though rarely, when I’m around folk that I *know* to be uncomfortable I’ll put a light scarf over just to make them feel better.Personally, I never saw the need for a nursing cover per se: a) I’m not that modest, b) seems like your lil bebe would be apt to suffocate (tho I’m sure that’s not the case!) c) why not just use a scarf I already have and save the planet a bit? But I can see how for more modest folk they’d make the difference between nursing in public or skipping a feeding, in which case I think they definitely serve a valuable function.Um, so which poll am I supposed to take, lol?Hope (of hippie dippie be9be9)’s last blog post..

    Manami · November 9, 2012 at 4:56 pm

    @erinpye: I was formula fed and I have ntinohg wrong with me. Even during pregnancy I had ntinohg, just a textbook pregnancy.If a mom can breastfeed, good, if not, formula is fine. I know after I stopped when my milk dried up, Baby Bear and I became happier. Nothing sucked more than being tied to a pump, pumping milk because I had to get it to her some way because the latch wouldn’t work, breastsheilds didn’t work and LC didn’t help. It was horrible and I’m so glad it’s over. I wish it had worked, but it didn’t and she WILL be perfectly healthy.

      Lou · February 8, 2013 at 11:13 am

      I was formula fed, I have athsma, eczema and an array of allergies. I am always twice as poorly for twice as long as everyone else. My mum couldn’t feed me due to her having inverted nipples, and I would rather be here with all my ailments than starved as a baby, however I personally get pissed off by the ‘I had formula and I’m alright’ comments because I had formula and I am incredibly not alright, most likely BECAUSE of the formula.

Patricia · August 26, 2012 at 2:50 am

I try to maintain a hheltay diet even when I’m not pregnant or nursing. However, I do indulge in many treats I just try to be balanced.I will admit though: there are some days where I know I don’t drink enough water or get enough caleroies. But I try to keep these days to a minimum. As for our milk affecting baby, it’s interesting because I was just discussing this with my docter he was telling me that what a women eats while nursing DOES affect baby because babies fat cells are developed early, mothers diet, if poor, will lead to problems for the infant and down the road could be link to obesity. Interesting stuff, but I could see the link (although, this is more of a weight issue, I’m not sure if would affect the antibodies/immune benefits)Great post- thanks for reminding me to look at my diet and I do need more fruits and veggies!Rebecca’s last blog post..

Tweets that mention Revolutionary Feeding Method – Tru-Breast | milk matters -- · November 21, 2010 at 6:33 pm

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by MilkMatters, Analytical Armadillo. Analytical Armadillo said: Revolutionary Feeding Method – Tru-Breast via @AddThis […]

Breastapo & the modern woman « Womb it may Concern · November 26, 2010 at 5:25 pm

[…] Typical morning in my life. Until I read this. […]

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