Backup of his work
Brian Palmer DDS website is no longer working. Luckily he gave full consent prior to his passing, for his work to be freely shared and reproduced online as his gift. This page hosts his teachings so everyone can continue to benefit from his findings.
Biography: Dr. Palmer was a full-time private-practice general dentist with a special interest in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. He was a member of the national, state, and local dental societies, International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA), Medical Associate of La Leche International, State of Missouri Breastfeeding Task Force, American Sleep Disorders Association (ASDA), Sleep Disorders Dental Society (SDDS), and a member of two hospital “sleep” teams. He has had special post graduate training in orthodontics, occlusion, TMJ, and myofunctional therapy. He spent over 20 years observing and documenting the collapse of the oral cavity and airway, as well as researching skulls and the history of breastfeeding.
- The Importance of Breastfeeding as it Relates to Total Health
- Frenulums
- Breastfeeding and Frenulums
- Infant Dental Decay – Is it related to Breastfeeding?
- SIDS and Otitis media – an anatomical perspective
- Occlusion – The Key to Dentistry
- Sleep Apnea Presentation
- Sleep Apnea from an Anatomical, Anthropologic and Developmental Perspective
- The Significance of the Delivery System During Infant Feeding and Nurturing
- Are you sleeping with a killer? You may be
- Breastfeeding: Reducing the Risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- The Influence of Breastfeeding on the Development of the Oral Cavity
- Breastfeeding and Infant Caries: No Connection
- The significance of lateral forces to the development of dental abfractions
- Dental abfractions – a literature review and hypothesis
- The Uniqueness of the Human Airway
- Prevention-The Key to Treating OSA/SDB- Part II
- Think Prevention! (Guest Editorial) Sleep Review; Volume 5, Number 4,
(July/August) 2004, pages 12 & 58 - Snoring and sleep apnea: how it can be prevented in childhood (English version)
- Schnarchen und Schlafapnoe: Vorbeugung im Kindesalter (Deutsch)