Charlotte has a passion for research and non-judgmental evidence based practice. With over a decade of experiencing working in private practice, supporting both breast and formula feeding mothers with her unique model of care developed throughout this extensive practice. Alongside over 15 years of analysing research about babies and young children, Charlotte, an invited speaker, also writes the award winning blog and social media page the Analytical Armadillo, and is author of the Amazon 5 Star rated – “Why breastfeeding Matters” .
Note from Charlotte:
When my first baby was born and I was trying to breastfeed, I remember wondering why despite spending months promoting breastfeeding – the practical help I received was so thin on the ground if you blinked you’d miss it! I started reading parenting books, millions of them – and was left more confused as they all contradicted each other and my breastfed baby didn’t get the memo that after feeding and being active, they were supposed to sleep – my books said so after all. Nipple pain, constant feeding, reflux, no naps and terrible sleep. I felt sure I must be doing it all wrong…

I met another mum and as we found our feet, together we formed iwantmymum – an evidence based UK parenting forum. I started digging into research papers and trained to become a breastfeeding counsellor to help others who found themselves in the same position.
I started a non-profit making blog (Analytical Armadillo) and became so busy supporting families, I sold my company, retrained as an IBCLC and set up Milk Matters, to support families full time.
When my second was born prematurely, I practiced Kangaroo Mother Care with the support of Nils Bergman and did Baby Led Weaning with the support of Gill Rapley – both were unheard of at the time and the health visitor came round to check I hadn’t lost the plot entirely,
I’m passionate about a holistic approach to infant feeding and parenting, and exploring how each area impacts on another. It’s important we identify and address the cause not the symptom. I feel many health systems fail to link intricate systems and processes, and fail to recognise a problem in one area can cause a symptom elsewhere. This means babies can be prescribed reflux medication or allergy milk, when the root cause of the problem is a disorganised suck or swallowing air, exposing them to unnecessary risks of sometimes hefty medications, with no significant improvement or resolution of symptoms.
We take a multi-disciplinary approach, and have worked with bodyworkers such as osteopaths and chiropractors for over 15 years; not considering the whole picture can not only impact the success of a tongue tie procedure, but result in unnecessary surgical treatment of a “faux tongue tie”. All treatments include supporting parents with aftercare to help with remodelling the healing tissue and we frequently see parents who have already sought support elsewhere, yet still find themselves struggling.
Charlotte Young IBCLC
1 Comment
Breastfeeding painful? Maybe it’s tongue tie! « misskalypso · June 4, 2011 at 3:43 am
[…] experienced an 8 week long battle to get Holly’s tongue tie recognised and addressed. Charlotte from Milk Matters identified the problem when Holly was 2 weeks old, but we were told repeatedly by numerous health […]