The biggest risk of treating a tongue tie is reattachment of the wound site. Our assessments include evaluating whether the tie is the sole cause of problems experienced, or whether any other common problems such as tight fascia or muscles, positioning or milk production are at play. We also assess whether baby is frenulotomy ready, that is, they’re in the best position to have the tie divided. All treatment options include aftercare support during the healing period, both virtually and via wound site checks at clinic, with additional feeding support available.
Perhaps you suspect or know your baby has a tongue tie, but want to ensure they’re frenulotomy ready and there’s nothing else underlying that may hinder the success of the treatment. Whereas we can only observe one feed in clinic, this option enables you to send us as many clips as you’d like in advance – feeding, sleeping, crying and oral movements (we show you how), we can ensure your coming into clinic and the treatment is optimally timed for your baby. We can get started straight away with tips, tricks and if needed a plan to help. The complete oral assessment is finished when you come to clinic, with treatment to follow where appropriate. The biggest risk of treating a tongue tie is reattachment, All our treatment services include phone/text/Whatsapp support during the healing period, plus in person checks at subsequent clinics to minimise this risk.
If you already have a diagnosis, or suspect a tie and are confident that is the only cause of your feeding problem, the pre-diagnosed option may suit. A full functional oral assessment is always undertaken prior to treatment. The biggest risk of treating a tongue tie is reattachment, All our treatment services include phone/text/Whatsapp support during the healing period, plus in person checks at subsequent clinics to minimise this risk.